Chronicle of the Family, 1913 – 1920: Table of Contents


Each issue of the Chronicle contains lots of bits and pieces of news from the various branches of the extended family – including Moltenos, Murrays, Andersons, Bissets, Jarvises, Blenkins, Stanfords, Beards, Southeys, Lindleys, Newcomens etc . All this is usually called General News. But the Table of Contents here does not list all these news items in detail, but only the main ‘stories’ in each issue.

Also, the printers occasionally put the wrong date or issue number on the cover, as well as the incorrect month and year on the running heads at the top of each page. This can be very confusing. The following Table of Contents relates to the actually intended volume number, issue number and date of each issue of the Chronicle.


April 1913, Vol 1, No. 1                     

Claremont House Bazaar

Kamfers Kraal (by Lil Molteno)

Picnic at Fish Hoek – Donald Molteno’s 5th birthday party (by Mary Molteno)

Bazaar at Nellie Bisset’s house in aid of theFreed Slave Home (by Gwen Bisset)

Kenya, 1911 – Jarvis and Lenox Murray surveying in the Aberdare Forest (by Jarvis Murray)

War in the Balkans – Dr Ernest Anderson’s experience with the Red Cross

‘This family resembles the famous Banyan Tree’

Charlie Molteno nearly drowns while fishing at Kalk Bay


August 1913, Vol 1, No 2

The King gives a banquet at Windsor Castle for the Life Guards and the Blues (by Dr Ernest Anderson)   

Review of the Household Troops at Windsor (by Ursula Bisset)

Home Rule for Ireland – Percy Molteno M.P.’s speech in House of Commons, 1912

Janet: A Sketch – a vignette of life at Kamferskraal on the Karoo (by Lil Molteno)

Kenya, 1911 – Having trouble with lions (by Jarvis Murray)

Mary Blenkins (nee Chapman) – In Memoriam

Vyvyan Molteno’s death


December 1913, Vol 1 No 3             

Reminiscences of Molteno family life – Grandfather Hercules Jarvis and his family early & mid 19th century (by Caroline Murray)

A Day on Schiehallion in the Scottish Highlands (by Islay Bisset)

Harold Anderson’s farm at Norvals Pont in the Karoo (by Dr Ernest Anderson)

The History of Claremont House (by Frank Molteno)

War in the Balkans – Dr Ernest Anderson’s account continued

The way of life in rural Ireland before 1914Dr C F K Murray’s account of his visit home

Kenya, 1912 – Jarvis Murray’s letters from British East Africa continued

Outbreak of World War 1



April 1914, Vol 2 No 1                                              

Reminiscences of Molteno family life – trekking from Nelspoort to Cape Town in the 1850s (by Caroline Murray) [misprint says April 1913]

War in the BalkansDr Ernest Anderson’s account (continued)

Kenya, 1912 News from Jarvis & Lenox Murray

Wreck of H.M.S. Captain, one of the earliest Royal Navy steamships, 1869 (by Dr C F K Murray)                 

Annie Blenkins (nee Jarvis) — In Memoriam


August 1914, Vol 2, No 2                 

Reminiscences of Molteno family life – the 1850s and ‘60s (by Caroline Murray)

Kenya, 1914 – Lenox  Murray’s narrow escape from African buffaloes

Annie Blenkins (nee Jarvis) – her last days (by Caroline Murray?)

Centenary of Sir John Molteno – his life and death (The Lantern, 4 September 1886)      

A West Coast [of Africa] voyage (by Willie Blenkins)

A Visit to Basutoland (by Kathleen Murray)

Wedding – Marjorie Lindley and Harry Blackburn’s wedding


December 1914, Vol 2, No 3                       

World War 1 – outbreak of (by the Chronicle’s Editors)

The War in France – first encounters with the German forces, October 1914 (by Dr Ernest Anderson)

The War in East Africa – the first impact on Kenya (by Lenox Murray and Jarvis Murray)

The War in South Africa – Suppressing the 1914 Rebellion (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The Royal Navy – Visit to Flag Captain Barkly Molteno on H.M.S. Antrim at Sheerness (three months before the outbreak of the War) (probably by Margaret Molteno)

Kenya, 1912 – Experiences as a surveyor (by Jarvis Murray)

A  ‘Native Scare’ [of an uprising] in East Griqualand, November 1914 (by Gordon Murray)

Reminiscences of Molteno family life – Nelspoort, Cape Town and first family voyage to England, 1860 (by Caroline Murray)

Wedding – Effie Anderson and Elliot Stanford’s wedding, 15 December 1914


April 1915, Vol 3, No 1                     

The War in South Africa – Suppressing the 1914 Rebellion (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

Inungi, East Griqualand – Effie Stanford (nee Anderson) settles in on the farm (by Effie Stanford)

The Royal Navy – official visit to Scandinavian waters only weeks before the outbreak of the War (by Captain Barkly Molteno, R.N.)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Jarvis Murray)

The War on the Western Front (France) (continued) (by Dr Ernest Anderson)

The War in the Northwestern Cape – On Commando (by John Tennant Molteno)


August 1915, Vol 3, No 2                 

The War in German South West Africa (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Lenox Murray)

The War on the Western Front – Captain Gerry Sandeman’s experiences

Wedding – May Murray’s Wedding to Dr Freddie Parker, 24 March 1915

Wedding – Clarissa Molteno’s Wedding to Capt. Brabazon Newcomen, 31 March 1915

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Dr Ernest Anderson)

The War at sea – The Loss of H.M.S. Goliath in the Dardanelles (Turkey) (by Vincent Molteno)

The War in the Northwestern Cape – On Commando (continued) (by John Tennant Molteno)

Travelling in Scotland from near Glen Lyon, Spring 1915 (by Caroline Murray)


December 1915, Vol 3, No 3            

The War in German South West Africa (continued) (by Kenah Murray)

Wedding – Marjorie Wisely’s wedding to Lt. Edmund Fergusson, Dunkeld, Scotland, July 1915 (by Margaret Molteno)

A Zeppelin Raid over London (by Percy Molteno)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Lenox and Jarvis Murray)

The War on the Western Front – George Murray’s first experiences in the Artillery


April 1916, Vol 4, No 1                     

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by George Murray)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Major Gerry Sandeman)

The War in German South West Africa (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

Roll of Honour – Family members serving in the War, as of 1st Feb. 1916


August 1916, Vol 4, No 2                 

The War on the Western Front – Dr Kenah Murray arrives in France

The War at sea – the Battle of Jutland (by Percy Molteno)

The War at sea – the Battle of Dar es Salaam (by Vincent Molteno)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Lenox and Jarvis Murray, and John Tennant Molteno)


December 1916, Vol 4 No 3             

Early Reminiscences of a Transkei Magistrate (by W. Blenkins)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Major Gerry Sandeman)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Jarvis Murray)

Wedding – Jervis Molteno and Islay Bisset’s wedding, 15 December 1916


April 1917, Vol 5, No 1                     

The Fall of the Coalition Government in London (by Percy Molteno, M.P.)

Betty Molteno arrives in London from South, September 1916 – first impressions of a city at war (by Betty Molteno)

Wedding – Doris Beard and Ernest Lasbrey’s wedding, 17 April 1917

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by George Murray)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Jarvis Murray)

Ian Bisset’s death in the East African campaign


August 1917, Vol 5, No 2

The War on the Western Front cont. (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War on the Western Front cont. (by George Murray)

The War in East Africa cont. (by Jarvis Murray)

Caroline Murray’s travels by train to East Griqualand, Durban, Kamferskraal (seeing Lenox and Gordon Murray, Effie & Elliot Stanford, the Southeys, Lil and Wallace Molteno)

The Albert Hall meeting – London hails the Russian Revolution (by Betty Molteno)


December 1917, Vol 5 No 3                         

London at war – air raid and E. D. Morel on trial (by Betty Molteno)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War on the Western Front – Canteen work with the American forces (by Nan Mitchell, Lucy Molteno’s sister)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Jarvis and Lenox Murray)

The War in Mesopotamia (the Middle East) (by Capt. Donald Sandeman)

Reminiscences of Molteno family life – the family trip to Europe, 1861 (by Caroline Murray)


April 1918, Vol 6, No 1                                 

The War on the home front – shortages hit civilian life (Islay Molteno in Hampstead and May Murray Parker in Wales)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by George Murray)

Wedding – Margaret Molteno and George Murray’s wedding, 23 February 1918 (by May Murray Parker and Betty Molteno)

Farming in East Griqualand (possibly by Gordon Murray or Harold Anderson)

The War at Sea – The Royal Navy’s engagement off Heligoland (by Lt. Thomas)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Lenox and Jarvis Murray)

Farming in Elgin – Episodes of farm life (by Kathleen Murray)

Reminiscences of Molteno family life – Cape Town, early 1860s (by Caroline Murray)


August 1918, Vol 6 No 2                              

George Murray’s death on the Western Front

George Murray in his School Days (at Bedales)

The War on the Western Front (continued) (by Dr Kenah Murray)

The War on the Western Front – canteen work with the American forces (continued) (by Nan Mitchell)

The War in East Africa (continued) (by Lenox and Jarvis Murray)

Kerensky comes to London, attends the Labour Party Conference (by Betty Molteno)

The Great Trek – Wallace Molteno’s family move from Kamferskraal to Nelsport (by Lil Molteno)


December 1918, Vol 6, No 3                        

Peace at last – responses of Alice Greene and other members of the family

Essex Hall Meetings in London before end of the War (by Betty Molteno)

The War in East Africa (continued). (by Lenox and Jarvis Murray)

The War in Egypt – John Tennant Molteno training in a Flying Squadron (by John Tennant Molteno)

The War on the Western Front – canteen work with the American forces (continued) (by Nan Mitchell)

The Imperial German Fleet surrenders, 15 November 1918 (by Gordon Thomas, R.N.)

The War at sea continues – The Royal Navy’s Baltic Expedition  to harass the Bolsheviks, December 1918 (by Gordon Thomas, R.N.)

The Prah Expedition in the Ashante War, 1873 (by Dr C F K Murray)


July 1919, Vol 7 No 1                                    

The surrender of General Von Lettow, commander of the German forces, East Africa (by Jarvis Murray)

Battle of Jutland, an uncensored account (by Barkly Molteno)

The War on the Western Front – canteen work with the American forces (continued) (by Nan Mitchell)

President Wilson arrives in London en route to the Versailles Conference (by Betty Molteno)

Wedding at Claremont House – Brenda Molteno and Lt. Gordon Victor Thomas, 6 May 1919


April 1920, Vol 7, No 2

Glen Lyon House and a trip on Lady Currie’s  S.S. Iolaire

Famine Fund – raising funds to help starving children in Europe (by May Murray Parker)

James Bisset’s death

Elgin – ‘The Cottage on the Hill’ – Tommy and Brenda Molteno’s new home in Elgin

Wedding – Gwen Bisset gets married from Aboyne, Cape Town

The Nelspoort Mission School

Medical practice in the Old Cape Peninsula, 1870s (by Dr C F K Murray)

Alice Greene’s death

Kathleen Murray and Margaret Murray (nee Molteno)’s tour of Southern Africa