Family Members by first name – G to I [Show as slideshow] George Bower, father of Caroline Molteno (nee Bower) George Bower, Bank of England portrait George Murray (Dr C F K & Caroline Murray's youngest son), Royal Artillery, c. 1915 George Murray and Margaret Molteno, pre-1914 George Murray's tombstone (bottom half only), Aubigny, France George Murray, Captain in the Royal Artillery, Memorial Cross, 1918 George Murray and Margaret Molteno during World War 1 George Murray (front row, 4th from left), youngest son of Dr C F K & Caroline Murray, in his artillery unit, World War 1 George and Kathleen Murray, c. 1895 George Murray (left), in the trenches on the Western Front, 1916 or 1917 George Murray (Lenox & Margaret Murray's elder son), at polo, Kenya George Murray and Margaret Molteno's wedding, London, March 1918 George Murray at Cambridge, pre-1915 George Murray's tombstone (top half), Aubigny, France Gladys Molteno (nee Jackson), wife of John Tennant Molteno, 1920s Gladys Molteno (nee Jackson), with her youngest son, Julian, 1940 Gordon Murray w.his brothers Jarvis and Kenah Murray -- hunting party early 1900s Gwen Bisset at May Murray's wedding to Dr Freddie Parker, 10 Palace Court, London, 1915 Gwen Bisset at fancy dress party on board ship (London to the Cape), early 1920s Gwen Bisset (Islay Molteno's sister), who married Vyvyan Watson Gwen Bisset, summer 1913 Gwen Bisset w. Vyvyan Watson (left) & Frank Reid, Groot Drakenstein, c. 1921 Gwen Bisset & Vyvyan Watson at their wedding (Nesta Molteno a bridesmaid (left), October 1920 Gwen Bisset (who later married Vyvyan Watson) Harold Anderson, Mary XX, Wallace Molteno & Dorman Jackson in the Karoo Harold Victor Molteno w. his mother Mildred Edith Molteno (probable) & his Aunt Caroline Murray, near Parklands, 1912 Harold Victor Molteno (left), setting for a shoot, Glen Lyon, c. 1922 Harold Victor Molteno, son of Dr Victor Molteno, as a boy Harry Blackburn & Marjorie Lindley at their wedding -- Alice Stanford, Effie Stanford (standing), Inanda Lindley & Gwen Bisset, the Cape, 1925 Harry Molteno, John Charles Molteno's youngest son, late 1880s Harry & Ted Molteno's Glen Elgin apple logo, 1950s Harry Molteno in his orchards, 1960s Harry Molteno in very old age, late 1960s Harry Molteno Library, Diocesan College ('Bishops') Molteno LIbrary wing, Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens today (donated by Harry Molteno) Harry, Ted, Minnie and Clifford Molteno -- John Charles Molteno and his 3rd wife, Minnie's, children, c. 1885 Harry Molteno receiving an honorary doctorate, UCT, 1965 Harry Molteno with his beloved sheepdog, 1960s Harry Molteno, late 1960s Harry Molteno with his friends, Dr Harold and Maisie Knox-Shaw, c. 1956 Harry and Ted Molteno, with Con Pare, Glen Elgin, c. 1940s Helen Mansergh (nee Bisset), early 1950s Henrietta Nellie Tait, wife of W. M. Bisset and mother of Islay and Gwen Henry Jackson, a first cousin of John Charles Molteno Hercules Crosse Jarvis (towards the end of his life), early 1880s Hercules Jarvis in old age, late 1880s Hercules Jarvis, merchant and Mayor of Cape Town, c. 1860 Hercules Jarvis's wife (CHECK) Hermina Jackson (nee de Jager) Hilda 'Hilla' or 'Hoohoo' Florence Robertson, very early 1890s Hilda Murray (nee Robertson), w. her son, Stewart, c. 1916 Hilda Robertson (Ethel's sister and later wife of Dr Kenah Murray), 1890s Ian Molteno and his wife, Margot Pigot (his sister Fiona is bridesmaid), May 1940 Ian Molteno and Margot Pigot's wedding, Scotland, May 1940 Ian Molteno carrying his daughter Gillian during his last leave, with his wife Margot (holding Ferelith), New Year's Day, 1945 Ian Molteno, Jervis & Isla Molteno's eldest child, 1938 Ian Molteno, Jervis and Islay's eldest child and only son, late 1930s Ian Molteno and Margaret Pigot at their wedding (Fiona Molteno as bridesmaid), Glen Lyon, 15 May 1940 Ian Molteno, off on his first shoot!, Glen Lyon, c. 1920 Ian Molteno w. his parents Jervis and Islay Molteno, receiving a gift at his 21st, Glen Lyon, 1938 Ian Molteno's 21st birthday, 1938 Ian Molteno's 21st -- the hall decked in readiness, 1938 Iona Bowring (nee Murray) & her husband John, c. 1960 Iona Bowring (nee Murray) w. her 3 eldest (L to R)-- Charles, Camilla, Caroline, c. 1960 Iona Bowring (nee Murray) riding with the boys (not identified), 1960s Iona Murray, mid 1930s Iona Murray and John Bowring at their wedding, 1956 Iona Murray and John Bowring at their wedding, 1956 Iona Murray & John Bowring's wedding, 1956 Iona Murray, riding bareback, Painswick Lodge farm, c. 1930 Iona Murra as a very little girl, c. 1925 Iona Murray, late 1930s Iona and Patrick Murray w. their mother Margaret Murray (nee Molteno), early 1950s Iona Murray's wedding -- her parents Lenox & Margaret Murray (right), 1956 Islay Bisset, c. 1916 Isla Bisset at her wedding to Jervis Molteno, Cape Town, 1916 Islay Bisset w. her sisters, Gwen Watson, Helen Mansergh & Betty Hudson, Miller's Point, c. 1950 Islay Bisset (before she married Jervis Molteno), c. 1914 Isla & Jervis Molteno w. Mr & Mrs Rackham at Pamela Molteno's wedding to Reggie Rackham, 1942 Isla Molteno w. her mother Nellie Bisset (2nd left) & children Ian, Pamela, Dierdre Molteno, Glen Lyon, 1923 Islay Molteno (nee Bisset) (right) w. her daughter Dierdre Riddell & Dierdre's sons (not dated) Islay Molteno (nee Bisset), with her first-born, Ian, 1918 Islay Molteno w. her four eldest children (L to R) -- Pamela, Loveday, Ian, Dierdre, 1924 Isla Molteno w. her youngest daughter, Fiona, at Helena Stevenson's wedding, 1950s