Scenery [Show as slideshow] Adderley Street, Cape Town -- a century ago Adderley Street -- the last of the palm trees along where the beach used to be African village, South African Republic, late 19th century Aliwal North, main street -- typical Karoo village Bedales School, Petersfield Berg River Valley, 19th century panoramic view Cactus in flower Cactus in flower, close-up Cape coastline Cape Peninsula -- the Atlantic coastline Cape Peninsula -- the Twelve Apostles, c. 1900 Cape Peninsula -- Zeekoei Vlei -- boating, 1917 Cape Town -- 19th century street in the Gardens (a suburb) Adderley Street, Cape Town -- 1860s Cape Town and Table Bay -- view from Signal Hill, mid 1800s Cape Town Botanical Gardens in 19th century Cape Town Castle -- the entrance, early 19th century Cape Town -- the old road to Hout Bay over Constantia Nek Convict Crisis -- Protest Meeting in Cape Town, 1849 Cape Town from Table Bay, late 1890s Devil's Peak, view from the Liesbeek River, 1832 Cape Town Docks, c. 1900 False Bay -- view from Wynberg Hill, mid 19th century Governor's country residence at Protea, Cape Town, 1832 Cape Town -- Main Road, Claremont, early 20th century Muizenberg -- bathers on the beach, 1930 Cape Town -- shop on the Main Road, late 19th century St Saviour's Church graveyard (where Sir John Molteno buried), Cape Town Cape Town -- suburban railway to Simonstown, c. a century ago Table Mountain, view from Protea Road, 1834 Surburban railway near St James and Kalk Bay, about a century ago Church Square, Central Cape Town, today Cogills Hotel, Main Road, Wynberg, 1870s (Sir Donald Currie and his daughters stayed there) Collegiate School for Girls, Port Elizabeth, early 20th century Constantia Berg, view from Bergvliet, c. 1920 Diamond prospecting, alluvial workings, 1919 Diamond prospecting, Mosesberg, 1922 Diamond prospecting -- a sorting table at the Vaal River Drakensberg near Harrismith False Bay -- Kalk Bay, Fishhoek and beyond, early 1900s False Bay -- possibly looking along Fishhoek Beach, c. a century ago False Bay - view southwards from Kalk Bay, c. a century ago Farm buildings, Western Cape, dating back to the old days Farm worker's home in South Africa (exact whereabouts not known) Farm worker's home, the Karoo, c. 1914 Farm worker's home (location in South Africa and date not known) Fishhoek -- looking south along the beach, c. 1920 Fitzbillies Restaurant, Cambridge Geneva, early 1900s George, Cape Province,(where John Syme's parents were formally married) c. 1914 Gold mining on the Rand -- headgear, sorting house, tailings wheel, collecting vats at New Primrose Mine, early 1890s Gold mining on the Rand -- surface works at Orion Mine, early 1890s Gordon's Bay (where Lady Molteno, Sir John Molteno's widow, lived), 1926 Groot Constantia, a 19th century print Groote Kerk, Cape Town (where Hercules Jarvis was an elder), 1841 Groote Kerk today Groote Kerk, Cape Town today Hangklip and the Cape coast (relative in photo not identified) Hermanus -- as it was in 1921 Hermanus -- the original fishing village, c. 1900 Hong Kong, pre the 1939-45 World Ward Hottentots Holland Mountains today Hout Bay -- the Point, c. 1900 Inanda Mission, Zululand -- centenary celebrations, 1940s Inanda -- the tree where Rev. Lindley (Lucy Mitchell's relative) preached from 1847 Karoo -- a pool at Three Sisters, with the bult beyond Karoo -- a garden at Three Sisters Karoo -- the pass through Meirings :Poort, c. 1914 Karoo -- the Swartberg Pass, c. 1916 Katberg Pass -- the old road Kenya -- African buffalo Kenya -- Agriculture Show (possibly early 1960s) Kenya -- buck Kenya -- Buck in the bush Kenya -- elephants in the forest Kenya -- elephants on the way Kenya -- hippos at home Kenya -- hyena on the look out Kenya -- lake with hippos and mountains beyond Kenya --a lion near Marania Kenya -- lions, superbly camouflaged Kenya -- Mount Kenya in the distance Kenya -- on safari surveying land, prior to 1914-18 War Kenya -- open savanna Kenya -- polo ponies Kenya -- shooting for the pot, c. 1900 (or a bit later) Kenya -- thick bush Kenya -- thick bush typical of some parts Kenya, Kikuyu women, c. 1900 King's College, Cambridge Kleinmond -- the bay, c. 1921 Knysna, c. 1914 Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (established with funds from Molteno Brothers Trust) Koopmans de Wet House, Cape Town Lion's Head, seen from past Camps Bay, c. 1900 London, view from Tower Bridge, c. 1900 Pall Mall East, looking towards St Martin's in the Fields, late 18th century London, Regent Street, c. 1900 Somerset House, London -- view from the Thames, 1791 Somerset House, London (where John Molteno worked til 1827) London -- a typical street in the 1800s London -- view from London Bridge, 1789 (printed by Molteno & Colnaghi) Madeira, 1921 Madeira - a Union Castle liner lying off the town, 1921 Molteno, Eastern Cape, South Africa -- signpost Mountain pass in the Cape Mountain Pass in Western Cape -- the road up Bains Kloof, January 1917 Mountain scene in South Africa Mountains in South Africa Mountains in the Cape -- looking down into the valley below Mountains in South Africa at sunset Mountains (possibly the Drakensberg) in the evening light National Library of South Africa, Cape Town Norvals Pont on the Orange River, late 1890s Ohlange High School, founded by Rev. John Dube in 1900 Ohlange Institute established by Rev. John Dube -- the boys building (Betty Molteno had a cottage in the grounds there), 1907 Onrust (on the Atlantic coast below the mountains near Elgin), pre-1914 Upington -- the Orange River Palmiet River near its mouth (the river upstream flows through the Elgin valley), c. 1921 Pontresina -- Percy Molteno's favourite ski resort (his granddaughter, Loveday Molteno, in foreground, 1933 Port Elizabeth and Algoa Bay, 1890s Red hot pokers, typical of East & Southern Africa Rhodes House, Oxford Rondebosch Common, Cape Town (Charlie Molteno's home, Sandown, was nearby), c. 1914 Royal Hotel (Beaufort West?), with stage coach waiting to depart Schiehallion in the Highlands -- the family party arrive to climb it Schiehallion in the Highlands -- Molteno family party at the top, August 1913 Schiehallion -- the Molteno family party reach the top, summer 1913 Schiehallion -- younger members of the family reach the top, August 1913 Schiehallion in the Scottish Highlands Schiehallion, a crowded summit Simonstown, 1890s (Vincent Molteno in Royal Navy posted there for a time during World War 1) Sir Lowry's Pass, the old road to Elgin St James -- Carisbrooke House, early 1920s Table Bay -- a storm in the days of sail Table Bay -- a busy day in the age of sail Table Bay -- Malay fisherman, early 19th century Table Bay -- Malay fishermen at work, c. 1844 Table Bay and Table Mountain, mid 19th century Table Mountain --a kloof on the Claremont side Table Mountain -- view from Black River bridge at Milnerton, 1920s Table Mountain with Signal Hill and Lion's Head in front, c. 1936 Table Mountain -- Skeleton Gorge above Newlands Cape Town, early 1900s Tsitsikama Forest near Knysna -- a great yellow wood tree, pre-1914 Tsitsikama Forest near Knysna University of Cape Town (UCT) Jamieson Hall (next to the Library) Upington, the veld