Other Individuals [Show as slideshow] Agnes Capps, former head parlour maid at 10 Palace Court (1920s & 30s), serving tea to Lenox Murray at Painswick, c. 1960 African National Congress delegation to Britain to protest Land Act in 1914 (incls. Betty Molteno's friends, Sol Plaatje and John Dube) Anna Purcell Anna Purcell Cecil John Rhodes Chief Jonathan of Basutoland, 1919 Daisy Solomon (back row), Lily Ginsberg, Carol Williamson (nee Molteno) -- at a fete Daisy Solomon (centre), w. Lily Ginsberg & Carol Williamson (nee Molteno) at fete David Tennant, selected by John Molteno as Speaker of the Cape Parliament Domestic staff for Kathleen Murray, Elgin, 1960s Dr Antonie Gysbert Viljoen and family Duke of Bedford, 1800 -- print published by Anthony Molteno Emily Hobhouse, 1902 (the picture of herself she liked best) Emily Hobhouse at end of Boer War, 1902 Emily Hobhouse, c. 1900 Emily Hobhouse, in her 60s Farm worker (unnamed) on Kathleen Murray's farm in Elgin, early 20th century Gamekeeper John Fisher w. Jervis Molteno, salmon fishing, c. 1914 Gandhi as a young lawyer in South Africa General Christiaan de Wet General J B M Hertzog, 1930s General Jan Smuts and his wife, Sannie, Second World War General Jan Smuts, 1905 General Jan Smuts, Prime Minister, inspecting fruit exports, Table Bay Docks, 1923 General Louis Botha, first Prime Minister of South Africa, 1910 General von Lettow-Vorbeck, German commander, German East Africa, Dar es Saalam, March 1918 General von Lettow Vorbeck, German Commander, German East Africa, First World War Generals de Wet, de la Rey, and Louis Botha King George III, on his happy recovery from mental breakdown -- print published by Anthony Molteno, 1789 Harriet Bolus, famous South African botanist Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, 13th century painting Gordon Sprigg, Prime Minister of the Cape Colony (Governor appointed him to replace John Molteno) John X. Merriman, Prime Minister of the Cape, 1910 Joseph Chamberlain, British Colonial Secretary during the Boer War Rudyard Kipling with Lucy & Carol Molteno, en route Britain to the USA, 1906 Lord Charles Somerset, Governor of the Cape Colony, 1814-1826 Lord Kitchener, British Commander-in-chief in South Africa during the Boer War Lord Kitchener, British Commander-in-chief during Boer War Lord Wimborne, early 1900s Lord Wimborne & son, driving a Panhard Lady, 1902 M. Emile Coue who treated Percy Molteno in the 1920s and 30s M. Emile Coue, famous French healer -- portrait he gave to Margaret Molteno, 1921 Maclean -- Sir Donald Currie's Castle Line agent in South Africa, late 19th century Maggie Gripenberg, famous Finnish dancer and choreographer, early 20th century Miss Cowan, tutor to Percy & Bessie Molteno's children (w. Jervis Molteno's children Pamela & Ian at Miller's Point) Koopmans de Wet, Mrs. Van de Hoeven, Mrs (member of the Vos family?) 'Nanny', who looked after Jervis and Islay Molteno's children, Glen Lyon, 1930s Napoleon on HMS Bellerophon on his way to exile on St Helena, 1815 Admiral Horatio Nelson -- print published by Anthony Molteno, 1792 Nursemaid looking after baby Percy Molteno, 1860s Nursemaids at Glenlyon House looking after Jervis & Islay Molteno's children, Pamela, Dierdre & Ian, 1922 Olive Schreiner as a young woman Olive Schreiner in older age Olive Schreiner with May and Freddie Parker, George Murray & Isla Bisset (seated), First World War Paul Colnaghi, George Anthony Molteno's first printseller partner, 1780s Paul Kruger, President, South African Republic Piper Johnny Fraser at Pamela Molteno's wedding at Glen Lyon, Sept. 1942 Professor Lanham, founder of the Molteno Project Saul Solomon, renowned liberal politician & parliamentarian at the Cape in 19th century Saul Solomon, at his seat in Parliament Selous, Lady -- widow of Sir Frederick Selous, and close friend of Percy & Bessie Molteno, 1923 Sibelius & his wife -- neighbours of the Aho's, Toskan, Ainola, Finland (date unknown) Sir Alfred Milner, High Commissioner to Southern Africa Sir Alfred Milner, High Commissioner to Southern Africa, 1899 Sir Alfred Milner, British High Commissioner to Southern Africa Sir Gordon Sprigg, Cape Prime Minister Sir Henry Barkly, former Governor of the Cape Colony -- sketch in Vanity Fair, 9 July 1887 Sir Henry Barkly, Governor of the Cape Colony Sir Henry Bartle Frere, Governor Sir Henry Bartle Frere, the Cape Colony Governor (1877-80) who sacked John Molteno as Prime Minister Sir Henry Bartle Frere, Governor of the Cape Colony, 1877-80 van de Hoeven, Mr ( relative of the Vos family?) W. P. Schreiner, brother of Olive Schreiner, and Cape Prime Minister Wool farmers of Beaufort West ( including John Charles Molteno 3rd from right?), mid century